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Dev Bhumi Cold Chain 


"Dev Bhumi is a fully integrated cold chain company in India, providing services from farm-level procurement and logistics to pan-India marketing and distribution for the retail industry. To support farm-level procurement, Dev Bhumi has established strategic distribution centers in growing areas to connect with farmers and offer a local sales platform. For imports, Dev Bhumi follows a direct farm-gate procurement philosophy and works directly with some of the largest growers in the world.


Dev Bhumi is one of India's largest fruit importers and supplies imported fresh fruit to both the organized and unorganized retail sectors in India under its own brand, which is being aggressively developed. Dev Bhumi currently imports and packages fruit from Chile, Italy, South Africa and Egypt, among other countries."

Cargo Ship at Sea

Our Business Model 





Our philosophy of 'from the roots up' begins with a focus on buying directly from farmers or farm cooperatives to maximize value for both parties in the supply chain. By establishing long-lasting relationships with growers, we are able to better understand their challenges and find ways to improve our processes in order to increase their profits and strengthen the grower community. We believe that a strong and prosperous grower is the foundation for a strong and prosperous society.

Our strategic distribution centers (SDCs) are located in growing areas and are primarily connected to farmers to secure the necessary quantity and quality of produce. The SDCs receive the produce, wash and sort it, grade it, store it, pack it, and ship it to various locations across India, including regional distribution centers for further local distribution in varying lot sizes. Our first SDC, located in Village Matiana, is the tallest and highest with a building height of 154 feet.

The final link in our fully integrated cold chain is our pan-India marketing and distribution network, which is the most vibrant and dynamic section of our company. As it represents the customer within our company, it is highly valued. We serve both the unorganized retail sector and the emerging organized retail sector, recognizing that the unorganized retail sector will continue to be a major presence throughout the country, even as organized retail grows. We hope to learn from the organized retail sector and apply those lessons to our own operations


CSR Initiative

Uniquely in our case, we see CSR being a great opportunity for universities worldwide, laboratories holding patents to the latest planting material, and funds dedicated to improving human environments & livelihood.

Since our area of working is the great Himalayas, we see a very different set of requirements with deep potential to transform the lives of people in a very inspirational way, while at the same time, preserving, protecting, and enhancing the great natural beauty and environment of the Himalayas.

Higher Yielding Planting Material

Despite agriculture being the backbone of the Indian economy, the yields have remained dismally low. For example, in Himachal the approximate yield for apples is 5 MT/Ha, compared to 60-100 MT/Ha in the western counterparts. This just shows the mind boggling opportunity that lies in the field of yield improvement.


Better Pre-Harvest Management

To reduce dependence of farmers on the vagaries of nature and to preserve the fresh produce: hailnets, water conservation techniques, soil testing labs, updated technology dissemination, agronomical guidance, etc. are some ways of getting to the root of the problem.


Medical and Educational Facilities

Providing the needed medical facilities for the surrounding areas, and setting up an educational training institute for practical training of farmers in pre- and post- harvest protocols, as well as, training in pack house operations.



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